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Past Events

25 June

Future of the EU Missions in the FP10 & Lauch of the Mission Playbook

13:00 - 16:15   -   NCBR Brussels Office (5th Floor), Rue Belliard 40, Brussels
In the past two years, the project on TRAnsnational cooperation on Missions TRAMI collected t
12 March

European Mission Network (EMIN) and Mutual Learning Event (MLE): European Research and the EU Missions ?

09:00 - 14:00   -   NCBR Brussels Office (5th Floor), Rue Belliard 40, Brussels
The TRAMI project and the UnILion are organizing a joint and inspiring European Mission Network (E
07 March

2nd European Mission Forum EMIF

09:00 - 17:30   -   Brussels, Flemish Public Administration, Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussels
As part of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union events, the 2nd European Mission Forum
27 February

8th EMiN Meeting

16:00-18:00 CET   -   NCBR Office in Brussels (Rue Belliard 40, Brussels), Hybrid
We are delighted to announce that the 8th
19 February

CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session

10:30 - 12:00 CET   -   Online
Explore the intersection of the Cities and Ocean & Waters missions at the CrAFt Waterfront Cities Session.
07 February

9th Mutual Learning Event

9:00 - 12:00 CET   -   NCBR Brussels Office, Rue Belliard 40, Brussels
Exploring Synergies between European Partnerships and EU Missions – Mutual Learning EventNCBR Brussels Offic
23 January

7th EMiN Meeting on Co-Creation

14:00 to 16:00 pm   -   Online
We are delighted to announce that the 7th TRAMI EMiN Meeting will take place on the 23 Janu
18 December

Launch of the national Mirror Mission Cities Hub in Romania (M100) & CapaCITIES Workshops

18-19 December   -   Cluj-Napoca, Radisson Blu Hotel, 1 Stadionului Str.
Between 18-19 December, representatives of the European Commission, national and regional autho
07 December

Mission Adaptation Series

12:30 - 14:00 CET   -   Online
Spotting the risk of Maladaptation Together Webinar Highlights Introduction to the concept
14 November

1st Blue Mission Arena for the Baltic and the North Sea Region

14-16 November 2023   -   Gothenburg, Sweden
On behalf of the Blue Mission Banos c
09 November

Launch of Mission data platform!

On 9 November, the mission data platform went online!  
09 November

EMiN Coffee Chat

9:00-10:00 CET   -   Online
We are delighted to announce that our next EMiN Coffee Chat will be held on the 09 Nov
10 October

CapaCITIES session: Advancing the Mission Cities implementation in 15 European countries

09:30 - 11:00 CET   -   SQUARE Brussels Meeting, Floor 3, Room 310 - circle 3 Centre
Join us at the European Week of Regions and Cities on 10 October 2023 in Brussels!
10 October

EurOcean Conference

10th - 11th October 2023   -   Vigo, Spain
"One Ocean, One Mission, One Decade - One Voice" We have set up ambitious objectives to be achieved by 2030
21 September

6th EMiN Meeting on the EU Missions

09:15 - 12:00   -   online - by invitation only
The 6th EMiN Meeting will be held from 09:15-12:00 on the 21 September 2023.
20 September

Future Talk

16:00-18:15 CET   -   Av. de Cortenbergh 30, B-1040 Brussels
Join us for the next Brussels Future Talk on “EU Missions Assessment: European Perspectives in Ex
14 September

EMiN Coffee Chat on EU Missions Assessment Report

09:00 - 10:00   -   online - by invitation only
On July 19, the European Commission published a communication on “EU-missions two years on: assessment of progress an
05 July

5th EMiN Meeting: Citizen Engagement

9:30- 11:30 CET   -   Online
Following the fruitful discussions of our previous EMiN, we are excited to
26 June

Mission in Progress: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference 2023

26-27 June   -   Maison de la Poste, Tour & Taxis, Rue Picard 5/7, Brussels
We are thrilled to invite you to "Mission in Progress: Climate-Neutral and Sma
26 June

Ocean Race Mission

09:30 - 17:00   -   Genova, Italy
Ocean Race Mission: The Ocean Race will visit nine iconic international cities over a six-month period, with leg one
23 June

4th EMiN Meeting

  -   Online
EMiN Meeting adressed to strategic configuration and EU mission subgroups.
20 June

CapaCITIES Webinar: Multi-level governance – a prerequisite for successful Cities Mission implementation Good practice cases from Poland and Finland

10-12am CEST   -  
Multi-level governance is seen as one of the key factors towards achieving the Cities Mission
13 June

Second Forum of the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change

09:30 - 17:00 CET   -   Blekinge Convention Center, Fridhemsvägen 6, Ronneby, Sweden and Online
We are pleased to invite you to register your interest in attending the second Forum for the Mission on Adaptation to
07 June

Second EMiN Coffee Chat

09:00 - 10:00 CET   -   Online
After the success of our first EMiN Coffee Chat in May, we are delighted to announce that our next Coffee
01 June

Blue Economy Baltic Forum

1-2 June 2023   -   Gdańsk, Polish Baltic Philharmonic
Blue Economy Baltic Forum is a new initiative that aims to strengthen the collaboration within the Baltic Sea Region.
30 May

Mission "Restore our Ocean and waters by 2030"- The Mediterranean lighthouse in action

30th - 31st of May   -   Palermo, Italy
The event will be an opportunity to witness the political commitments of the Mediterranean countries towards the Miss
24 May

European Maritime Day

24th - 25th of May   -   Brest, France
At the core of European Maritime Day is a two-day conference.
17 May

5th Mutual Learning Event

09:00 - 12:30   -   Polish National Centre for Research and Development Brussels Office, Rue Belliard 40, 1040 Brussels 5th Floor
EU Missions creating new markets: the crucial role of the triple helix collaboration The TRAMI project, in
11 May

First EMiN informal Coffee Chat

09:00 - 10:00 CET   -   Online
The first EMiN informal Coffee Chat will be held on the 11 May 2023 at 9.00-10.00am CET.
25 April

Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030”: The Baltic and North Sea lighthouse in action

25 April 2023, 09:00 CEST - 26 April 2023, 18:00 CEST   -   Hybrid Event: Online and at the Factory Hammerbrooklyn in Hamburg
On 25 – 26 April 2023, the European Commission,  in close cooperation with the German Mini
17 April

Restore our waters – Baltic Sea Region perspective

April 17-18th   -   Brussels
We are pleased to invite you to the matchmaking event 
22 March

3rd EMiN Meeting: Conceptual foundations and current debates

09:00 - 11:00 CET   -   Online
Following the success of the last two Meetings in October and December of last year, the third EMiN
22 March

Jump-start the Mission Soil

22 March 2023, 10:00 CET - 23 March 2023, 13:00 CET   -  
Cluster event of projects funded under the EU Mission 'A Soil Deal for Europe' Healthy soils are essential
20 March

How to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission – good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary

14:00-16:00 CET   -   Online
You are interested in how to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission and are involved
25 January

1st European Mission Forum EMiF: "Making Missions Work"

09:30 - 16:30   -   Online
Thank you for joining us on 25 January 2023 online.
17 January

EU Mission info days

09:00 (GMT+01:00)   -   Online
Here you ca
07 December

2nd EMiN Meeting: Making Missions Work- How to involve regions in the mission implementation process?

14:00-16:00 CET   -   Zoom (please see agenda for details)
After a 
24 October

EU Missions: Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”: Meeting of the Mission Board

13:30   -   Tulln, Austria
Introduction and overview of TRAMI to the Mission Board
06 September

IGLO Open: Making Missions Work: How can IGLO members benefit from and contribute to TRAMI?

13:00   -   Brussels, Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU
Presentation and discussion with IGLO partners, national and regional representatives
16 August

Conference on Industrial Technologies IndTech2022

09:30 - 20:00   -   Grenoble, France
Wolfgang Polt, the director of POLICIES was virtually participating at the
07 July

Conference on Synergies in the Research and Innovation Funding in Europe

12:00 - 18:00   -   Prague, Czech Republic
At the occasion of the Synergies2022 conference