Kick-Off Meeting of the European Mission Network EMiN
The Kick-Off Meeting of the European Mission Network EMiN on 19 October in Brussels brought together a select group of 60 experts working in the EU Mission context. The event’s aim was to discuss challenges, potential for success and the key requirements for the creation of an active EU-Mission Community of Practice in order to support EU Mission key target groups at national, regional and local level in their mission implementation activities.
The event was introduced by the TRAMI project coordinators, Wolfgang Polt, Joanneum Research POLICIES and Matthias Weber, AIT. This was followed by an overview of the EMiN’s objectives by its lead Angela Schindler-Daniels, DLR-PT.
Showcases of national and regional EU-Missions Implementation where provided by Daniel Sköld, S3 Strategist for Region Blekinge, Regional Development Council in Blekinge County, Sweden and Vibeke Helén Moe, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Education and Research, Norway.
The European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation was presented by Fabienne Gautier and Marion Jammard. Remarks by Ms. Gautier, as the new Head of Unit Common Missions & Partnership Services, were followed by the opportunity to share the outcomes of the interactive workshops and in-depth discussion on expectations of the EMiN as an active Community of Practice on EU Missions from the viewpoint of the attendees. The discussion focused on the needs and demands at national, regional and local level but also on what stakeholders will contribute to a successful, sustainable network.
The next European Mission Network EMIN Meeting will take place later in 2022. Please sign up to the TRAMI Newsletter and indicate your interest in EMIN and follow us on Twitter/Linkedin for stay informed about all TRAMI activity.