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14:00-16:00 CET

How to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission – good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary

You are interested in how to strengthen national governance for achieving the Cities Mission and are involved in the national implementation?

Then join our first webinar on 20 March 2023 (2pm-4pm CET) on good practice cases from Austria, France, Greece and Hungary! And please register here.

In order to support the implementation of the EU Cities Mission the CapaCITIES project addresses the national governance system and support measures to improve the innovation eco-system for cities to act. Through a series of webinars and seminars capacity building is aimed at by sharing good practice cases on national level, initiating exchange of experiences and knowledge as well as building an alliance for long-term peer learning on central aspects and challenges of urban transitions.

All relevant stakeholders, such as representatives of ministries in charge of urban or sectoral transitions, R&I ministries, national urban policy agencies, city authorities, funding agencies and urban actors are welcome to participate and engage.


2:00-2:15 pm CET Welcome and CapaCITIES state of the art

2:15-2:45 pm CET Capacity building – good practice cases from France, Greece, Austria and Hungary

2:45-3:20 pm CET Discussion of key elements and exchange of first experiences

3:20-3:55 pm CET Alliance and peer learning in four break–out groups of shared cases

3:55-4:00 pm CET Wrap-up and closure


We are looking forward to welcoming you on 20 March 2023!

If you have questions please contact Elli Tzatzanis-Stepanovic.
