Join us at the European Week of Regions and Cities on 10 October 2023 in Brussels!
Do not miss the CapaCITIES session: Advancing the Mission Cities implementation in 15 European countries!
How can urban transitions towards climate neutrality be accelerated and what is necessary on EU level?
Why is multi-level governance important and how to engage relevant stakeholders?
If you are interested in the discussion on challenges to urban transitions and if you want to learn about the experiences and solutions experts from Hungary, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia will share, then join us on 10 October 2023 (09:30 - 11:00) in Brussels at the European Week of Regions and Cities!
The CapaCITIES team is waiting for you at the SQUARE Brussels Meeting, Floor 3, Room 310 - circle 3 Centre (Mont des Arts)!
This interactive fishbowl group discussion will give everyone the opportunity to actively join the conversation!
Find more information to the event here. Login to the platform and register for the session here.