Interested in becoming a Member?
Please contact us at to join the EMiN.
Sign up to the TRAMI Newsletter for more information on EU Missions and TRAMI.
Criteria for Membership
While the European Mission Network (EMiN) remains an evolving network, open to EU MS/AC and beyond, as well as its stakeholders, some criteria will be required of its members to ensure a meaningful and expedient network:
- Being actively involved in national/regional/local mission implementation
- Willingness to share experiences and to actively contribute to EMiN activities
- Adherence to member relationship requirements, e.g. communication efforts and attendance of meetings
- Members accept to contribute to the success of the network by actively contributing to e.g. surveys, questionnaires, building of databases, organization of events
The procedure for new membership is simple and is structured as follows:
- All actors interested in joining the EMiN are to contact the Liaison Point, as it functions as gatekeeper for EMiN, via the functional email, or the TRAMI website.
- By filling out a simple registration form, basic information about the potential member will be collected by the Liaison Point (e.g. role in mission implementation process, expectations of the community).
- In a last step, after a quick check, the Liaison Point initiates the admission.
Membership Fees
No membership fees are foreseen as long as the EMiN is run by the EU funded TRAMI project. This may require reconsideration as the structure develops.
Membership relationship
It is foreseen that the EMiN Liaison Point establishes a frequent one-way communication to disseminate information e.g. updates regarding EMiN activities. The Liaison Point also serves as a point of contact for EMiN members.
Communication channels
Various communication channels will be used in close collaboration with TRAMI:
- The TRAMI website will serve as the initial channel for oneway communication e.g. to inform about current activities and events.
- The TRAMI newsletter will inform EMiN members on a regular basis on overarching issues.
- A functional email address ( for any EMiN related inquiries is established and is managed by the Liaison Point. EMiN members and interested stakeholders will have the possibility to contact the EMiN Liaison Point directly through this email regarding possible requests (e.g. for dedicated information on specific topics, specific events like Mutual Learning Activities). Actors interested in the EMiN can also use this email address as first entry point.