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  • Report on the second European Mission Forum (EMiF)

    The 2nd European Mission Forum (EMIF) was successfully delivered on 7 March 2024 as an on-site event by the team of the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) and in collaboration with a range of TRAMI partners, including the Belgian project partners Vlaamse Gewest, and was designed as Belgian EU presidency event. EMIF connected EU Missions stakeholders from the business sector, civil society organisations, governmental actors and the wider research and innovation community.

  • Report on the 8th EMiN Meeting

    The 8th EMiN meeting took place in a hybrid format on 27th February 2024. It focused on Social Innovation and the Role of Social Sciences and the Humanities in the Missions. Over 50 experts and stakeholders came together and discussed the importance and the challenges on Social Innovation and SSH in the EU Missions. 

  • Report on the seventh EMiN Meeting

    The 7th meeting of the European Mission Network (EMiN) took place virtually on 23rd January 2024. It focused on Co-Creation in the EU Missions. Over 60 experts and stakeholders came together to discuss tools and methods to unlock the potential of co-creation.

  • TRAMI Survey: Your opinion counts!

    It has been for almost three years that the European Commission and relevant stakeholders have started the implementation of the EU missions (CANCER, CLIMATE ADAPTATION, SOIL, CLEAN WATER, CITIES). The implementation of the EU missions was a pioneering step and with its ambitious goals the missions will deliver concrete results by 2030.

  • Report on the sixth MLE with Taftie

    How can innovation agencies support missions? How to engage industry specifically? Suitable incentives and instruments.

    ORGANISERS: TRAMI (WP3) and Taftie

    VENUE: Amadria Park Hotel Jure, Šibenik, Croatia

    DATE: 15 June 2023