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Report on the second European Mission Forum (EMiF)

The 2nd European Mission Forum (EMIF) was successfully delivered on 7 March 2024 as an on-site event by the team of the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) and in collaboration with a range of TRAMI partners, including the Belgian project partners Vlaamse Gewest, and was designed as Belgian EU presidency event. EMIF connected EU Missions stakeholders from the business sector, civil society organisations, governmental actors and the wider research and innovation community. The event provided participants with the opportunity to learn about and meet other EU Mission actors from outside their usual networks. 

EMIF was designed in three distinctive parts: 

1. Synthesising Results 

2. Engagement with Key Stakeholders 

3. Perspectives and Next Steps 


The report on the second European Mission Forum on 07 March provides an overview of the event and relevant data. It also offers recommendations based on learnings provided.

Report (964.13 KB)