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  • Report on the fifth MLE with ERRIN

    EU Missions creating new markets: the crucial role of the triple helix collaboration

    VENUE: NCBR Brussels Office, Rue Belliard 40, 1040 Brussels, 5th Floor
    DATE: 17 May 2023


    TRAMI in collaboration with ERRIN ran a Mutual learning event (MLE) to explore the role of industry, academia and public authorities in achieving the objectives of the five EU missions through triple helix collaboration. MLEs are an opportunity to share experiences, learn from other stakeholders in different regions and countries.

  • EMiN Coffee Chats: Maximum freedom of exchange

    The EMiN has officially launched their new format: an informal EMiN Coffee Chat. The Coffee Chats will be held without an agenda to guarantee maximum freedom of exchange. The aim is to strengthen the open exchange between the EMiN members on a regular (monthly) basis and will be exclusive to our EMiN members. The first successful EMiN Coffee Chat was held on May 11th and was a platform for inspiring discussions.

  • TRAMI was part of the Blue Economy Baltic Forum

    TRAMI coordinator Wolfgang Polt was invited to present the project at the Blue Economy Baltic Forum in Gdańsk, coorganised by our colleagues from #NCBR, which brought together researchers, policy makers and businesses engaging in the Mission on Oceans and Waters.

  • Report on the third EMiN Meeting

    The 3rd meeting of the European Mission Network (EMiN) took place virtually on 22nd of March 2023. It focused on conceptual foundations and current developments of mission-oriented R&I policy. 129 stakeholders participated in the meeting.