After the success of our first EMiN Coffee Chat in May, we are delighted to announce that our next Coffee Chat will take place Wednesday, 7 June at 9.00-10.00am CET (due to the public holiday on Thursday). We once again invite you to an open exchange on your experiences and challenges regarding the implementation of Missions. Upon the request of an EMiN member, the next Coffee Chat will give the opportunity to discuss the potential utility of a mission tool kit.
The Coffee Chat is open to all EMiN members and the TRAMI consortium. If you are interested in becoming an EMiN member click here, to subscribe to our newsletter or subscribe directly sending us an email via info@missionnetwork.eu. A link to the event will be sent out shortly to all EMiN members. Join us for a rich discussion on the Missions and their implementation - and be part of this growing Community of Practice!