We are thrilled to invite you to "Mission in Progress: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference 2023" on 26-27 June. This second annual Cities Mission conference will take place in Brussels at Maison de la Poste, Tour & Taxis, Rue Picard 5/7.
What is in it for my city?
The first day, 26 June, will be a day for exchange and dialogue between city practitioners - mission coordinators at the city level and transition team members. The second day, 27 June, will have a two-track agenda: a practitioner track for city transition team delegates, and a political track for mayors and deputy mayors.
We have a lot on offer for cities over these two days including peer-to-peer exchange sessions, inspiring talks, conversations with the EU Cities Mission representatives and more! The draft agenda is available for download below, and you will receive regular updates in the run up to the conference, with a breakdown of the various events, what to expect, and how to prepare.
Find a detailed agenda here.
Registrations are now open!
We would kindly ask you to confirm your attendance to the Cities Mission Conference by 5 June 2023. Each city will have the opportunity to be represented by two practitioner delegates with additional representation from political representatives on the second day. The general track plenary sessions on 27 June will also be live streamed and we encourage those who cannot attend in-person to join remotely.
Please register here.
For more information visit the NetZeroCities website, if you have any queries concerning the Cities Mission Conference 2023, please get in touch with us at missioncities@netzerocities.eu.